HangPro Drywall Lift
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The HangPro Lift is an inovative tool that I have the pleasure of testing out and bringing to all of my viewers. It allows you to easily transport, lift, adjust, and hold wall panels in place. Even 12 foot long 5/8 in drywall sheets. Let's face it DIY'ers, none of us are getting any younger and when we jump into a project we have to protect our knees and back. And this tool absolutely does that for you.
Here is my first video for the HangPro Drywall Lift. It is an unboxing and full assembly video to help you get started.
If you are interested in getting one for yourself they can be purchased at Lowes.com and Homedepot.com, but the best place to get one of your very own is directly through them on their website. Click Here for their website. HangPro Drywall Lift is a newer company and they have recently been working with rental companies to get their lift in the local stores so you can rent one if you prefer. If you don't have one available at your local rental store, let them know that you want them to start carrying the HangPro Drywall Lift. They can be contacted at their email [email protected]
I will very soon have additional videos here of my first use and initial review. Along with how to use videos. For now, here are some of their videos showing the lift in action.